Quality Time organizers Vicky LeLash, APR of RSE and Dawn Wilcox, APR of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
PRSA-LA’s signature “Quality Time with PR Minds” community service event on Saturday, October 24 connected 18 local noprofit organizations with more than 50 volunteer PR professionals who donated their time, expertise and counsel.
The goal of Quality Time is to offer PR practitioners an opportunity to give back and to empower participating nonprofits to tackle their most challenging communications issues. This year’s event was held at UCLA Extension’s Figueroa Courtyard center in downtown L.A., and coincided with National Make a Difference Day.
Launched in 20014 by PRSA-LA members Dawn Wilcox, APR and Victoria Lelash, APR, Quality Time with PR Minds has been emulated by other PRSA chapters nationwide. Our thanks go out to event sponsors Kaiser Permanente, Runyon Saltzman Einhorn (RSE) and UCLA Extension, and coordinating partner Taproot Foundation.