Public Relations and Earned Media Manager,
Team Friday

Angela Herrera is a seasoned digital communication professional with a diverse background in earned media, press relations, and social media outreach. With a career spanning both federal and state levels, including positions in the heart of Washington D.C., where she collaborated closely alongside the White House, Angela has honed her skills in managing online communications for a multitude of organizations. Her dynamic experiences have instilled in her a profound understanding of the ever-evolving landscapes of earned media and press relations.

Angela’s expertise extends to her role as the Public Relations and Earned Media Manager at Team Friday, a dynamic creative agency. In this capacity, she has not only successfully landed and pitched stories to local media but has also made it her mission to focus on connecting with communities often left behind.

What sets Angela apart is her ability to harness the power of digital tools to effectively reach and engage diverse audiences. She is a strategic thinker, adept at crafting innovative solutions to complex communication challenges. Angela’s unwavering passion is rooted in her desire to contribute to a more connected, informed, and engaged society.

angela herrera