
Scott is a co-founder of the agency and leads Allison+Partners’ Social Impact group. He developed the agency’s proprietary Corporate Socialanthropy™ process which helps corporations identify social impact partners and builds the foundation for long-term campaigns that incorporate employee recruitment and retention programs, internal and external communications, and cause-related marketing strategies. In addition to creating cause initiatives for numerous brands and charity organizations, Scott has extensive experience providing communications and crisis counsel to nonprofit organizations and developing board and ambassador training programs. Prior to Allison+Partners, Scott opened the Los Angeles office of Connors Communications and spent eight years with The Gable Group. Previously, he worked with the City of San Diego and helped to launch the Aaron Price Fellows as one of its original facilitators.
Scott teaches sponsorship and cause marketing courses through UCLA Extension, speaks globally on cause-related marketing, and serves on nonprofit boards and advisory committees, including Adopt-A-Classroom, City Scholars Foundation, West Valley YMCA, and the Southern California Leadership Network. He sponsors the Enid Ruth Pansky Aspire Award at Arizona State’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and he is a patron of San Diego State University’s School of Journalism and Media Studies, providing a founding gift to the Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations.